Fun and Challenging Outdoor Workouts to Try This Summer

Summer is the perfect time to take your fitness routine outdoors and soak up some sunshine while breaking a sweat.

Outdoor workouts not only offer a way to challenge your body differently, but they also provide a refreshing experiences.

Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or just looking for a way to switch up your route, you have to try outdoor workouts for this summer.

In this article we will show you a list activities that will not only help you stay active and healthy but also allow you to enjoy the great outdoors.

Head to the nearest beach and engage in a thrilling game of beach volleyball.

This high-energy sport will make you have a great sweat while getting a tan and having a lot of fun with your friend.

The sandy terrain adds an extra element of resistance, making it a fantastic full-body workout.

Beach volleyball challenges your agility, strength, and coordination while giving you a great cardio workout.

If you love having a peaceful time, you should give paddleboarding a try.

SUP is a fantastic way to combine core strength, balance, and tranquility on the water.

Whether on a serene lake or in the ocean, it engages your entire body as you navigate the waves.

Stand-Up Paddleboarding is an excellent workout for the arms, legs, and core, and the scenic views make it even more enjoyable.

Take your yoga practice to the park or a peaceful garden.

Outdoor yoga classes or self-guided sessions allow you to connect with nature while improving flexibility, balance, and mindfulness.

The fresh air and natural surroundings create a serene ambiance that enhances your yoga experience.

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Explore scenic trails and immerse yourself in nature while burning calories, improving your endurance and strengthening your leg muscles.

Hiking offers a range of difficulty levels, from leisurely strolls to more challenging uphill treks.

Pack a backpack with essentials such as electrolytes and snacks, and enjoy the beauty of nature while reaping the benefits of cardiovascular exercise.

Hop on your bicycle and explore your surroundings on two wheels.

Cycling is a low-impact activity that provides an excellent cardiovascular workout.

You don’t need to do crazy distances, go around you own city, and I'm sure you will discover places you’ve never seen before.

Whether you prefer road cycling or mountain biking, you can tailor the intensity to your fitness level while enjoying the fresh air and scenic routes.

Join an outdoor boot camp class or create your own group workout session in the park.

These high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts combine bodyweight exercises, cardio drills, and strength training to build endurance, burn calories, and improve overall fitness.

Training alone is good, but trying an outdoor boot camp will push your motivation to the next level.

Take to the water and paddle your way through rivers, lakes, or coastal areas.

Kayaking or canoeing provides an excellent upper body and core workout while offering a sense of adventure.

Enjoy the tranquility of the water with Kayaking, and explore hidden gems as you move forward.

Design your own outdoor circuit training routine using park benches, stairs, and other natural elements.

Incorporate bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, lunges, squats, and step-ups to create a challenging full-body workout.

The versatility of outdoor spaces allows you to get creative and stay fit.

Here’s a plan that will combine both gym and outdoor workouts:

Find a beach or a natural body of water and dive into a refreshing swim.

It’s a low-impact activity that works your entire body, enhancing cardiovascular fitness and muscular strength.

Swimming is an ideal workout for hot summer days, as you can cool off while enjoying a full-body workout.

This summer, let go of your rigid routine.

Embrace the unknown, and let your fitness journey be a fusion of exercise, adventure, community and the joy of being in nature.

Enjoy the sunshine, challenge your limits, and have a blast with these ten fun outdoor workouts.

Your body, mind, and spirit will thank you.

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Creating @gymaholic - Athlete and fitness coach. I help people move, feel and live better.

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