4 Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels and Fight Fatigue

Have you ever felt overwhelmed? That there are a lot of things left to do? Yet you feel exhausted and have little energy to do what you love (like hitting the gym!). Trust me, and we’ve all been there.

The real currency is your time and energy when it comes to life. Having enough energy to work, take care of yourself and spend time with your loved ones is the actual definition of balance in life.

Energy is one of the most critical factors in accomplishing things in life. Without enough energy, you’ll risk getting stuck where you are right now.

This article will discuss how you can genuinely boost your energy levels and accomplish more in the gym and life.

Our dependence on stimulants such as energy drinks and caffeine isn’t actually beneficial in the long term. This is because they do not only give us energy, but also make us less sensitive to our exhaustion.

For example, coffee is very effective to help increase fitness performance and overall productivity, but it has to be consumed in moderation.

Caffeine works by blocking the effect of adenosine. Adenosine is a substance that slows down the signaling in the brain, making us feel sleepy and tired. When the effect of caffeine wears down, all the built-up adenosine will come crushing and exert its influence on the body like a giant wave, making us even more tired than before. You may have heard your friend call this a “caffeine crash.”

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If you frequently use stimulants or caffeine to maintain work productivity and get by the day, you might develop dependency and tolerance over time. This means you’ll need a larger dose of caffeine to get the same effect you used to feel.

There are vital things you can do to naturally increase your energy and accomplish more things throughout the day.

Whether you are thinking, working, or exercising, you need a stable energy supply. Your food choices matter when it comes to stress and energy. Some food can give us lasting energy, while others cause us to enter a “food coma,” making us feel tired and unmotivated.

The Glycemic index is a value used to determine the impact of foods on your blood sugar levels. When we eat foods with a high glycemic index, we tend to get a burst of energy and crash later afterward. This is because foods with a high glycemic index, such as refined carbs, are digested and absorbed quicker in the body.

Your blood glucose levels play a crucial role in how energized you feel. If your blood sugar and insulin levels fluctuate too quickly or stay high, you’ll start experiencing fatigue, mood swings, irritability, and impulsive cravings.

It is recommended to prioritize low glycemic index foods, meat, fish, nuts, herbs, and spices in your diet to ensure that you have steady fuel for your cells. It can also enhance your stamina when performing demanding tasks.

Here’s a workout you should try:

Prolonged exposure to stress can lead to chronic fatigue and mental exhaustion. In addition, studies show that when stressed, we are more likely to burn calories and decrease our appetite, causing us to feel weak and tired.

Some results in stress eating when faced with tough situations, which can lead to overeating and unbalanced blood sugar levels. Chronic stress may also lead to the development of anxiety and depression, which may lead to an overall decrease in motivation and a dip in energy levels.

To avoid burnout and stress, remember to find the time to do the things that please you and calm your mind. Watch your favorite movies, hang out with friends, read your favorite books or treat yourself to a nice massage.

Maximizing your sleep is one of the most crucial factors in keeping your body rejuvenated. Preparing yourself for a restful slumber is best to enhance your sleep quality and get the most out of it.

Do this to improve your sleep quality and boost your energy:

  1. Turn off all light sources and sleep in a blackout room.
  2. Don’t use electronic devices 1-2 hours before bedtime.
  3. Avoid large meals, caffeine, or alcoholic drinks before bedtime.
  4. Go to sleep at the same time each night.
  5. Avoid nicotine.
  6. Take a warm bath before bed.
  7. Turn off distractions such as email or text notifications.
  8. Exercise during the day.

Our body goes through different stages when we sleep, and researchers have found that the stage of deep sleep is the most crucial of them all. During deep sleep, our body enters a state of “rest and repair.” It also allows us to recover from injuries and stress by enhancing the production of ATP, an essential molecule for energy.

The pituitary gland also releases growth hormone (GH) during deep sleep. GH is essential for muscle hypertrophy and the repair of damaged muscle tissues. When you have restful and uninterrupted sleep, your brain clears irrelevant information and improves your mental processes.

Most research suggests having at least 6-7 hours of uninterrupted sleep each day to optimize your energy and health.

We all know this already, water is vital for our survival. All our organs, particularly the brain, need water to function correctly.

Dehydration leads to increased stress hormone levels. When you are stressed, your heart rate fires up, and your breathing becomes heavier and more frequent, leading to further loss of fluid in the body. Unfortunately, this creates a cycle of stress and dehydration that can derail your day and lead to dips in your energy level.

Drink small amounts of water each day. Health experts recommend drinking eight 8-ounce of glasses of water each day or at least 2 liters per day.

There are different breathing techniques that you could do to master your oxygen consumption, optimize your heart rate, and control your lung expansion. All these will contribute to managing your energy throughout the day. You’d be surprised how having control of your breathing can significantly impact your energy and motivation.

For example, people with a higher heart rate or those who use their mouth more than their nose for breathing are more likely to be stressed and suffer chronic fatigue. In contrast, people who frequently practice some form of breathing exercises such as meditation and yoga are more alert, have more drive to things, and have a positive outlook.

Although you might be having trouble finding the energy to work out, staying consistent with your exercise routine is still the best way to increase your energy. Remember that your body continually adapts to the demand you are putting on it. If you skip your exercises or avoid exertion for the day, your body will think you don’t need extra energy after all.

Cardio-aerobic routines and resistance training are the best exercises to train your body to have more energy. These exercises can help improve your cardiovascular fitness and metabolism, allowing you to become more resilient to stress and the physical demands of everyday life.

You could do things to improve your energy levels other than taking stimulants or caffeine. Effectively managing your energy throughout the day allows you to accomplish more in the gym and other life aspects.

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