Training principles

Switch things up and get better results

Doing the same workouts can be very repetitive. In this article we will teach you training techniques that will help you switch things up and get more results from your workouts. You can use them to push your body closer to failure or to get quicker sessions.

This method makes you perform two or more exercises back to back before getting any rest. It's a great way to get more volume in a short period of time.

  • Exercise 1, Set 1, 135 lbs
  • Rest
  • Exercise 1, Set 2, 135 lbs
  • Rest
  • Exercise 2, Set 1, 135 lbs
  • Rest
  • Exercise 2, Set 2, 135 lbs
  • Exercise 1, Set 1, 135 lbs
  • Exercise 2, Set 1, 135 lbs
  • Rest
  • Exercise 1, Set 2, 135 lbs
  • Exercise 2, Set 2, 135 lbs
  • Rest
  • You could get better results by using them for antagonist muscle groups (APS - Antagonist Paired Sets), such as: Chest and Back, Bicep and Tricep...
  • You can do more volume in a shorter period of time.
  • You get quicker workouts.
  • You potentially burn more calories.
  • You might not be able to perform the same weight because of muscle and CNS (Central Nervous System) fatigue.
  • You would probably get better strength and hypertrophy results by using the traditional way.

Here's a workout that uses supersets:

You perform the rest-pause by finishing a set, take 10-30 seconds of rest, then perform the same movement with the same weight. You can repeat them as many times as you can handle, but 2-3 times should be enough.

  • Exercise 1, Set 1, 135 lbs
  • Rest
  • Exercise 1, Set 2, 135 lbs
  • Rest
  • ...
  • Exercise 1, Set 1, 135 lbs
  • Rest-pause (10-30 secs)
  • Exercise 1, Set 2, 135 lbs
  • ... until you're done
  • You can do more volume in a shorter period of time.
  • You get quicker workouts.
  • You potentially burn more calories.
  • You have a higher risk of injury if you perform the reps with bad form.
  • You might not be able to perform the same weight because of muscle and CNS (Central Nervous System) fatigue.
  • You would probably get better strength and hypertrophy results by using the traditional way.

This method is commonly used to push a muscle group to failure at the end of a workout. Do one set to failure, then decrease the weight and perform the same movement without any rest. Repeat this 1-3 times.

  • Exercise 1, Set 4, 135 lbs
  • Done
  • Exercise 1, Set 4, 135 lbs
  • Exercise 1, Set 4, 90 lbs
  • Exercise 1, Set 4, 45 lbs
  • Done
  • You can do more volume in a shorter period of time.
  • You get quicker workouts.
  • You potentially burn more calories.
  • You have a higher risk of injury if you perform the reps with bad form.
  • You might not be able to perform the same weight because of muscle and CNS (Central Nervous System) fatigue.
  • You would probably get better strength and hypertrophy results by using the traditional way.

These training methods will help you get as close to failure as possible, which will help you get better results. Keep in mind that all these techniques will add more stress to your CNS (Central Nervous System) and body, which can make you more tired than a traditional workout.

  • Eric Helms, The muscle & strength pyramids.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger, Encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding.
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