How to Boost Testosterone Naturally: Practical Guide for Men

For men, testosterone is one of the most crucial hormones to build muscles and improve their physique. In addition, it promotes the development of manly features, which further impact appearance and enhance fitness.

However, recent studies suggest that normal T-levels in men are steadily declining since the 1980s, and more men are having an imbalance between their testosterone and estrogen levels, affecting their sexual and mental health and their ability to develop muscles and manly appearance, such as the V-taper body.

This article will dive deep into the science of how you can increase your testosterone levels naturally.

Numerous studies have found that testosterone levels in men have decreased by about 1% each year, affecting not just aging men but all men in general.

Researchers attribute the declining testosterone levels to these factors:

  • Increasing rates of obesity
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Poor nutrition
  • Chronic stress
  • Inadequate sleep
  • Environmental toxins

Obesity, particularly, is directly linked to low testosterone levels since excess body fat can convert testosterone into estrogen, which further encourages the body to store more fat, thus creating a vicious cycle.

Low testosterone levels can dramatically affect your sexual drive and physique, leading to decreased muscle mass, increased body fat, and loss of bone density which can cause injuries, especially in older adults.

Furthermore, low testosterone count can also impact men's mental health as it could result in depression-like symptoms, irritability, and concentration problems. In addition, a decrease in testosterone is associated with low motivation levels and a decline in self-worth, making it harder to achieve your personal goals.

Generally, men with healthy T-levels are more confident and assertive and have healthier risk-taking behaviors, which are typical characteristics that can improve their chances of success in careers and life.

In fitness, keeping your testosterone in a healthy range is crucial. It boosts muscle mass, helps manage weight, and increases your overall energy.

Hit the gym regularly

Exercise is medicine. It is one of the most impactful life changes you can do for your overall health. Hitting the gym regularly has been shown to elevate testosterone levels, especially when performing compound exercises and heavy liftings such as deadlifts, squats, and bench presses.

In addition, regular aerobic exercises three times per week performed at 60-85% of your maximum heart rate can also boost testosterone by at least 14.5%. Consider adding both strength and endurance training to your training to optimize your testosterone level and increase your muscle mass.

Vitamin D from the sun can also boost and regulate your testosterone levels. Ideally, noontime sun exposure between 10 am to 1 pm for 10 to 15 minutes is the most efficient time to get Vitamin D and has the lowest risk for skin cancer.

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Try outdoor exercise early in the morning to help you maximize the benefits of your workout routine while also boosting both vitamin D and testosterone in the body.

Although regular exercise can significantly boost your testosterone, too much of it can be bad too. Overtraining can lead to inadequate rest and recovery, impacting your mental health, immune system, and sleep, which can further decrease testosterone production.

It’s crucial to strike a balance when it comes to your fat consumption and maintaining healthy body composition to optimize your testosterone levels. Going to extremes by overly restricting calories and fat intake can be counterproductive and negatively impact hormonal health.

A systematic review and meta-analysis in 2021 suggest that a low-fat diet may decrease testosterone levels in men, especially with European ancestry.

This is because fat is a critical nutrient that plays a role in hormone production. To support your hormonal health, you must have a balanced diet that includes enough healthy fats.

Examples of healthy fats:

  • Avocados
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Olive oils
  • Fish oil
  • Eggs
  • Coconut oil

A balanced diet with sufficient dietary fat can help your body to meet its caloric needs and keep your energy levels stable so you can get more things done in the gym.

Bodyweight is one of the crucial factors when trying to get your testosterone to the right levels.

When you carry too much fat in your body, your testosterone converts to estrogen. In addition, obesity also reduces a protein called sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) which carries testosterone in the blood, resulting in a further nose-dive in your testosterone levels.

You should maintain a healthy body fat percentage of 8-19% to optimize your testosterone production.

Here’s a plan you should try if you want to lose fat:

Sleep is a critical element of your fitness and recovery. Most testosterone is produced during a sleep phase called Rapid Eye Movement or REM sleep. REM is only achieved when you have a deep and meaningful sleep.

Research has shown that less than five hours of sleep at night can significantly reduce your testosterone by at least 15%. On the contrary, a healthy sleeping habit and getting 7-9 hours of sleep per night can boost your testosterone and improve muscle mass and strength.

Ethanol, the main recipe for alcohol, is toxic to male reproductive organs and lowers testosterone production. Remember, discipline is part of the foundation of your fitness. If you can't avoid drinking alcohol, limit your intake to less than two glasses of alcoholic beverage per day.

Stress can cause spikes in your stress hormones which can negatively affect your testosterone and cause them to plummet. In addition, it is common to indulge ourselves in self-sabotaging behaviors such as stress eating when overwhelmed.

That’s why it is crucial to have your very own stress management techniques and routine. For some, it could be going to the gym, playing video games, deep breathing, meditation, or yoga. Whatever it is, your stress management routine should allow you to relax and unwind.

Intimacy and social connection can spike hormones in the body. For example, intimacy and having deep conversations with your partner can increase testosterone levels. Furthermore, researchers have found that testosterone levels immediately rise after sex.

Interestingly, a five-minute conversation with a person you perceive attractive can temporarily boost your testosterone level.

The normal testosterone levels in men are between 270 to 1,070 ng/dL (nanograms per deciliter).

It is important to note that your hormone testosterone is not fixed and fluctuates. Your testosterone level typically peaks in the morning and gradually decreases throughout the day. It is best to be on the higher end of the spectrum and maintain that range.

To measure your testosterone accurately, you'll need to have your blood samples analyzed in a lab—your doctor can provide a referral.

A sedentary lifestyle, overwhelming stress, bad eating habits, and other environmental factors are causing a steady decline in testosterone in men. This decline affects not only physical fitness but also the mental well-being of millions of men across the globe.

Having healthy testosterone levels can help you tremendously in your fitness journey. To optimize testosterone levels naturally, it is essential to make lifestyle adjustments such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, quality sleep, and healthy body weight management.

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