The Health Benefits of Multivitamins

Vitamins and Minerals

You're wondering why we're talking about multivitamin and not protein powder or creatine. These are supplements that can help you build muscle.

On the other hand, multivitamin will help you feel better and prevent vitamin and mineral deficiency.

Here are the health benefits of multivitamins, backed by science:

Vitamins and minerals are necessary for the body growth and development and maintaining good health. Athletes have higher vitamin and mineral requirement due to their high activity level.

A supplement isn't intended to be a food replacement. It can't provide all the benefits of whole foods, so keep up with your healthy nutrition. Multivitamin can be useful because your daily food intake may not supply enough vitamins and minerals, especially for a person who is physically active.

The goal of a multivitamin is not to replace, healthy eating. However, it can prevent you from having vitamin and mineral deficiency.

Each vitamin/mineral has its own role on our body. These micronutrients are needed for the processes of protein synthesis, controlling energy levels, repairing muscle tissues and many other things.

Here are some benefits of adding a multivitamin to your supplement stack:

  • Keeps you alive and healthy
  • Improve digestion
  • Increase energy levels
  • Strengthen the immune system

Multivitamins can help you make you feel better, improve your digestion and strengthen your immune system.

There are a lot of essential vitamins and minerals, but many of them have similar functions.

Here is a list of what you should look for and what they can do:

  • Vitamin D (Also… Vitamin A and K): We all know the benefits of vitamin D for bones, due to its role in assisting the absorption of calcium. But it also helps to absorb phosphorus, which is required in the synthesis of ATP (biochemical way to store and use energy). Vitamin A and K assist in the body’s regulation of calcium.
  • Vitamin C (Also… Vitamin E, Selenium.): Vitamin C is an antioxidant that enhances recovery and protects proteins against damage from free radicals. It cannot be stored by your body, so it's essential to get your daily supplement. Others listed also assist in protecting against cell and protein damage.
  • Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, (Also…Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B9, and B5): Simply put, these vitamins are involved in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism and energy production. Many are very important for digestive health. The more you consume, the more you will need.
  • Magnesium, Iron and Zinc: Magnesium is a required element for the energy production (ATP), protein synthesis and it helps you get a better sleep. Iron is vital in the process of delivering oxygen to cells and muscle tissues. Zinc can't be stored so it's important to get your daily intake. It's needed for healing wounds and injuries. It assists in physical immunity, metabolism, DNA and protein synthesis.

Multivitamins contain D, C, B vitamins and micronutrients such as magnesium, iron and zinc. They're important for energy production and overall health.

Some micronutrients are fat soluble, it's necessary to take them with a meal. It's recommended to take one serving in the morning after your breakfast and/or one serving after your dinner.

The serving can vary between brands and doses from 1 to 2 tablets per day.

It's best to take your multivitamin with a meal, since some micronutrients are fat soluble.

Respect the daily doses indicated on the package. A multivitamin is safe. However, since it is in addition to your diet, you don’t want to take too much. Many vitamins and minerals can have negative side effects if they build up in toxic amounts. If you take too much vitamin C for example, you could get stomach cramps or nausea, others can be even more problematic.

Multivitamins are safe to take, as long as you don't over consume them.

We all have different needs based on our gender, age and if you're sedentary or not.

Don't hesitate to get recommendations from a specialist in order to make sure to buy the right product.

The quality of the supplement is also important, so check the reviews before buying it.

Find the right multivitamin according to your, gender, age and activity level.

  • Multivitamin is one of the most necessary supplement
  • Athletes need higher amounts of vitamins and minerals
  • A multivitamin should be taken alongside good nutrition
  • It has many benefits for fitness, such as; protein synthesis, controlling energy levels and repairing muscle tissues
  • Some vitamins and minerals are essential for energy production and overall well being
  • Take your multivitamin with a meal; at breakfast and/or dinner
  • If a multivitamin is taken correctly, it shouldn't have any side effects
  • You will need to use different products depending on your age, gender and activity level
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