Intense 3 Day Women’s Workout Routine To Get Strong And Lean

I‘m happy to say that it’s very common to find women in the weight room these days.

Indeed, women shouldn’t be scared of this area, because it’s where you get toned.

We decided to prepare you the intense 3 day women’s workout routine in order to build muscle and burn fat at the same time!

One thing to remember, lifting weights won’t make you bulky, bad nutrition will.

So we prepared you this workout routine for those who want to get strong and athletic with a tight schedule.

If you’re not sure about stepping into the weight room, discover why women should lift weights.

It means that we will do multiple exercise in a row (supersets), decrease the rest time between each set while including a wide range of exercises.

By applying these principles, we will be able to work several muscle groups in one workout.

Therefore, you will build your entire body while prioritizing the glutes (of course), increase the number of calories burned, improve our cardiovascular system and decrease the time spent in the gym.

If you’re a beginner and haven’t stepped a foot in a gym, there are certain principles you need to understand.

During this intense 3 day women’s workout routine, we will put an emphasis on compound exercises in order to get strong and burn fat.

Remember that the whole body needs to be toned if you want to look great.

This women’s intense workout plan is composed of:

During the 5 days women’s workout routine, we’ve learned that lifting moderate/heavy is necessary to get in shape.

So we will make a mix of moderate weight and body weight exercises in order to get the best result out of it.

Now you know that if you want to “get toned”, you will have to build muscle while having low body fat.

In order to achieve this, you will have to aim for 8-15 reps for most muscle groups.

This does not mean other rep ranges don’t work, but it allows us to keep things simple and effective.

Research has shown that if you struggle to achieve these rep ranges, that’s how you will get toned.

During this workout, we will vary the rep ranges depending on the exercises in order to change things up a bit!

Make sure to perform each exercise with a good form and a full range of motion.

You should struggle at the end of each given rep ranges (with good form), if it feels too light or too heavy adjust the weight accordingly.

If you want to get toned your body will need to recover between each set and exercise.

The less you rest, the more calories you burn.

But if you only rest for 20 seconds, you will not get as much performance as if you would have rest 90 seconds.

This workout routine is supposed to be intense, remember? So let’s bring it on!

This intense men’s workout plan provides you 3 days of lifting trainings with 1 day including a HIIT session.

Don’t hesitate to make changes to this intense women’s workout routine if you want to.

However, keep in mind the principles we mentioned earlier: rep range, rest period, type of exercises...

After a certain period of time the body will get used to a specific routine, therefore you have to progressively change it over time.

After 6-8 weeks, we highly recommend you to increase the intensity of your workouts.

A superset is when you do two or multiple exercises in a row.

During this 3 day intense women’s workout routine, it will happen a lot and will be assigned to numbers such as: S1 for the superset #1 and S2 for the superset #2.

If two exercises start with S1 for example, they must be performed in a row.

  • Monday: Legs & Butt

    • Warmup Body weight Squat: 2 sets x 15-20 reps | 1 min rest
    • Wide-Stance Barbell Squat: 4 sets x 8-12 reps | 1:30 min rest
    • S1 Dumbbell Sumo Squat 3 sets x 12 to 15 reps
    • S1 Glute Kickback: 3 sets x 12 to 15 reps (each leg) | 1:15 min rest
    • S2 Romanian Deadlift: 3 sets x 12 to 15 reps
    • S2 Glute Bridge: 3 sets x 12 to 15 reps | 1:15 min rest
    • S3 Good Morning: 3 sets x 12 to 15 reps
    • S3 Lying Leg Curls: 3 sets x 12 to 15 reps | 1:15 min rest
  • Wednesday: Full Body Conditioning & HIIT Cardio

    • S1 Warmup Jumping Jack: 2 sets x 10 reps
    • S1 Warmup Box Jump: 2 sets x 10 reps | 1 min rest
    • S2 Burpee: 3 sets x 12-15 reps
    • S2 Jump Squat: 3 sets x 12-15 reps
    • S2 Split Jump: 3 sets x 12-15 reps (each leg) | 1:15 min rest
    • S3 (Knee) Push Ups: 3 sets x 12-15 reps
    • S3 Mountain Climber: 3 sets x 12-15 reps (each leg)
    • S3 Triceps Dips On Floor: 3 sets x 12-15 reps
    • S3 Bicycle Crunch: 3 sets x 15 reps (each leg) | 1:15 min rest
    • HIIT Cardio - Treadmill / Bike: 10 rounds - 20 seconds of work - 40 seconds of recovery

Here’s a similar workout program you can easily follow in our app:

  • Friday: Legs & Butt & Calves

    • Warmup Barbell Deadlift: 2 sets x 15-20 reps | 1 min rest
    • Barbell Deadlift: 4 sets x 8-12 reps | 1:30 min rest
    • S1 Glute Bridge: 3 sets x 12-15 reps
    • S1 Body weight Squat: 3 sets x 12-15 reps | 1:15 min rest
    • S2 Reverse Lunge: 3 sets x 12-15 reps
    • S2 Jump Squat: 3 sets x 12-15 reps | 1:15 min rest
    • S3 Standing Calf Raise 3 sets x 12-15 reps
    • S3 Wall Squat 3 sets x 20-45 seconds | 1 min rest

Do this workout routine 8 weeks to see significant result, they can start switching things up with our other training plans.

We’ve made some modifications compared to the old intense workout routine.

We highly recommend you to follow this one since it has been rethought.

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